Once again I have a new location for these occasional observations about the unexpected wonder of being alive.
Hopefully this will be my last move for a long time. Thanks to all who found your way to this site, I look forward to you finding your way to my new web site and blog home.
This Truth Never Fails
Reflections, dreams and musings about ordinary life as the thing itself. A Zen/human/everyday perspective on finding what we are looking for right where we are.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Friday, May 4, 2012
Borders, Barnes, and Noble Dreams
But I recently
went down to New York City to have lunch with the head of purchasing for the
religion section in Barnes and Noble book stores. She was a delightful
and unassuming woman who brought along a dog-eared advance copy of THIS TRUTH.
She told me how much she liked the book and how much she thought her
readers would too. She said she especially appreciating reading a
religion book that was not preachy or dogmatic.
I was delighted
to hear her positive reaction. Having my book appreciated is a little bit like hearing how wonderful my daughter is. I could listen all day. I
feel proud and also, in some important way, it's quite clear that it's not really about me.
I was also
delighted when she told me that Barnes and Noble will be featuring THIS TRUTH
in the front of their largest stores across the country when it is released in
early June. So be sure to visit your local B&N in early June and look
for my book on one of the front tables.
So maybe in the
dream I just misread the logo on the front of the store.
To pre-order a copy of THIS TRUTH from
Barnes and Noble Click Here
Monday, April 30, 2012
First Lilacs of the Season
Radio Interviews and Sock Puppets

Obviously, thinking about things like this changes one's experience of Kermit and this sweet duet.
I'm thinking about this because I'm doing my first radio show interview about my book this afternoon at 1:00. Dennis Raimondi - the host of 'Speaking Freely With Dennis.' http://www.speakingfreelywithdennis.com/09/
I just realized that my book is a little bit like a green sock that's over my hand. Two buttons are sewn on for the eyes and the lips drawn on with red magic marker. I'm crouched behind the table that has a sheet over the front so the audience of my friends and family can't see me. And I get to speak through this green sock - through this book of a hundred some odd pages.
What does this book have to say? What is the essence this collection of reflections, wanderings and wonderings? Kermit's voice is so particular and lovely. How do I discover that essential voice for this particular manifestation of God that has come through me?
Saturday, April 28, 2012
In Memorium
Marine biologist, Zen teacher, and nature writer Anne Rudloe died yesterday. I had the opportunity to meet her and sit with her on a few retreats George Bowman and I had led in Tallahassee, Florida, near where she lived. We connected most recently because she had just written a book: Zen In A Wild Country and was looking into how to publish it. She was a long-time student and recently full teacher in the Kwan-um School of Zen so we shared the same grandfather teacher. Anne was a dedicated practitioner with a great love for the creatures and the aliveness of the sea. Hard to believe she has journeyed beyond this realm of water and waves - of alligators and oil spills.
May the Buddha and Bodhisattvas guide and protect her. And may the spirit of compassion and kindness be with her family and loved ones as they journey through this time of sadness and mystery.
Link to Anne's blog and info on her book:

Link to Anne's blog and info on her book:
Friday, April 27, 2012
The New American Zen
I’m thinking this morning about what’s different about Zen
as it is developing here in America.
While we feel our current practices are an authentic expression of the
tradition of Zen Buddhism, almost all our practice centers would feel quite
foreign to a Zen practitioner from Japan, Korea or China.
These changes are an unavoidable
and natural outcome of one world-view being understood from new perspectives
and practiced in a new context. These cultural changes and adaptations are a part of the history and living
tradition of Buddhism. They occurred
when Buddhism went from India to China – when it traveled from China to Japan and Korea – and
now, as this ancient tradition comes from Japan and Korea and takes root in America, more change is in process.
Three major areas of change occur
to me:
Egalitarian impulse – Zen, as it has come from
Japan and Korea, has traditionally been extremely hierarchical. In the US, there are still clear lines
of authority, but we are also creating governance structures and practice
structures that honor the wisdom and counsel of all participants.
Non-monastic practice – American Zen, from it’s
beginnings in the late 1950’s has included a strong emphasis on lay
practice. You don’t have to be a
monk or a nun to seriously practice Zen.
There is still a vital monastic stream in American Zen, but Zen
meditation and retreats are now practiced by a vigorous lay community who are
balancing daily life with practice life.
Whole person focus – There has been a broadening
of the range of what is discussable in Zen practice. It is clear that ‘spiritual attainment’ by itself is not the
complete answer to the human situation.
Spiritual practice has to be balanced with emotional/personal/daily-life
growth and practice.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Spring Coming Quickly
This early morning the welcomed
rain continues to fall as the sky edges from black to gray. The trees through the window are no
longer lacy branching silhouettes but have nearly fully leafed out in the past
week. I swear it was just one
week. I wanted it to be slower,
but there was no holding back.
This spring feels like a young man who is so thrilled
by the beauty of his lover – so utterly taken with the flesh and touch of her,
that he cannot contain himself – cannot be measured in his response. Despite all the books he’s read and desperately
recalling the batting averages of his boyhood baseball heros, he comes on
contact. Almost immediately
and way too soon for anyone’s liking.
But uncontained exuberance is
also perfect timing. The issue now is simply how to continue to enter into the full and sticky mess of spring. I
recommend to my imaginary friend the we simply continue to appreciate what we
It’s not really over.
It’s just beginning.
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